Taxable and Non-Taxable Payments to Students
Forms and Letters


(Use for 2014-2015 awards)

The forms required to set up funding for a student’s education-related activities, as well as sample award letters and the documents students should receive with the award letter, are below. Awarding Entities, Department Chairs, and/or School Fellowship Coordinators and Research Staff should use these forms when awarding a fellowship or assistanship to a student.

The following sample packages should be used for students who will receive funding from the Graduate Student Support Budget, endowments, departmental R funds or sponsored projects.

GW Fellowship: (sponsored research grant-funded or University-funded)

Blank Forms for Fellowship Package and Fellowship Award Process

Graduate Assistantship:

Blank Forms for Graduate Assistantship Package and Assistantship Award Process

Graduate Research Assistantship: (sponsored research grant-funded or University-funded)

Blank Forms for Graduate Research Assistantship Package and Graduate Research Award Process


E Document



The procedures and required forms used to set up a Research Package differ from those for the assistantship and fellowship packages above. Principal Investigators, Sponsored Project Administrators and/or Department Chairs should complete these forms when awarding a research-funded fellowship payment to a student where formal cost-sharing awards is part of the award. (Note: these forms do not apply to graduate students hired as Research Assistants or Associates on grants. See your Sponsored Project Administrator for details on that process.)


Blank Forms for Research Fellowship and Award Process

Note this process relates only to commitments.


Award Requirements






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